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Press Releases

28 February 2022, 13:02

Rompetrol Rafinare’s financial results in 2021

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International Group, managed to improve its financial indicators in 2021, amid a sales volume similar to the previous year, but also as a result of higher market quotations compared to similar periods from 2020.

25 February 2022, 13:02

Rompetrol donates fuel to the Romanian National Red Cross Society as support for the Ukrainian people

Rompetrol joins the campaign initiated by the Romanian National Red Cross Society – “Humanity Has No Borders” - and donates fuel to support volunteers and personnel providing specialized care during emergencies.

20 December 2021, 13:12

Press release

Grupul KMG International N.V. (din care fac parte Rompetrol Rafinare şi Rompetrol Well Services) ia act de relatările recente din mass-media din Polonia şi România, privind interesul manifestat de Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen SA (PKN Orlen) şi Chimcomplex (CHOB) faţă de business-ul Grupului KMG International.

15 November 2021, 13:11

Rompetrol Rafinare's financial results in the first 9 months of 2021

In the global business environment, the European refining margins stood, in the first nine months of 2021, at an average level of 13.5 USD / MT. Although the refining margins were lower compared to the average for the period January - September 2020, they had an increasing trend in January - September 2021, with a positive impact from gasoline margins, but also due to the low differential between Urals and Dated Brent crude oil.

28 September 2021, 13:09

Repair works at Petromidia Năvodari refinery, near completion

Rompetrol Rafinare, member company of the KMG International Group, has completed most of the turnaround of the production units on the Petromidia platform and performs the last technical checks in order to restart the production activity in conditions of maximum safety. The technological installations will be restarted in stages and are expected to reach, by the end of October, the optimal operating efficiencies.

13 August 2021, 13:08

Rompetrol Rafinare's financial results in the first half of 2021

Rompetrol Rafinare, member company of the KMG International Group, recorded increasing financial results in the first half of this year, compared to the same period of 2020, as a result of the increase in sales, along with the positive evolution of international quotations for petroleum products.

02 July 2021, 12:07

Petromidia refinery incident

On 2nd of July, an incident took place on the Petromidia platform, within the Diesel Hydrotreating Unit. (HPM).

18 June 2021, 12:06

Rompetrol publishes its 2020 sustainability report The Pandemic and Our Future

Rompetrol publishes its seventh sustainability report, drafted according to international standards (Global Reporting Initiative G4, comprehensive version), and shows the economic, social, environmental and market performance of the Group for the 2020 interval.

13 August 2020, 12:08

Rompetrol Rafinare's financial results 1st semester 2020

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International Group, recorded declining financial results in the first half of 2020, due to unprecedented volatility in the oil market, but also the impact generated by the influences of COVID-19 on the demand for petroleum products.

05 May 2020, 12:05

General Turnaround of the Petromidia refinery, successfully finalized

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of KMG International, has successfully completed the turnaround of the Petromidia refinery and has initiated the restart of the production units. In the next period, they will re-enter the operational flow and gradually reach the nominal capacities.