KMG International (Rompetrol) launched a new training program for students and graduates in the technical field who want a career in the energy industry. The program with a 22-year tradition was launched this year under a new identity - Together We Grow – Rompetrol Traineeship.
For two months, the Trainees, together with their Mentors, will deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired during their university studies and develop practical skills that will help them at the beginning of their careers.
"It has been over 20 years that we have succeeded, through the sustained commitment of the companies from our Group, to train the new generations of professionals for a career with many perspectives. We started with a concept that gravitated around the professional at the beginning of the career path eager for knowledge, and continued the program, with new elements every year. In 2023 we launched our program under a new identity - Together We Grow - in which all elements are integrated, from the Trainee, to the Mentor, to the organization and the extended Rompetrol community", said Gina Cruceru, Group Human Resources Director - KMG International (Rompetrol).
Out of the 100 Trainees, 44 come from "Ovidius" University of Constanta, 25 from Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, 14 from Maritime University of Constanta, 11 from Politehnica University of Bucharest, 5 from "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University Iasi and one from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
The companies that will open, yet again, their doors this year for the training of Trainees are Rompetrol Rafinare, Midia Marine Terminal, Rompetrol Quality Control, Rominserv, Rompetrol Well Services and Rompetrol Energy.
A very important part of the program is represented by the practical modules, developed with the support of over 70 Mentors, specialized professionals from the refining, petrochemical, energy, well specific operations, logistics and utilities sectors. They will take place on-site, at key points in the Petromidia Navodari and Vega Ploiesti refineries, but also in the areas of activity of Rompetrol Well Services or Rompetrol Energy.
In addition to the development of technical skills specific to jobs in the energy field, the Traineeship program will also include, for the 4th consecutive year, the development of soft skills. Thus, the participants will go through the "Leaders Explore" program, during which they will deepen skills such as Communication, Teamwork, Personal Branding, all of which will lead to the design and implementation of a project applied in the community - Community Challenge.
The 100 Trainees will be paid for the two months of the training program, and at the end of September they will receive a Together We Grow - Rompetrol Traineeship graduate certification, as well as a personal development program graduate certification, carried out together with the partners of at the Leaders Foundation.
KMG International (Rompetrol) supported, through the dedicated programs, the training of over 1,600 people, some of whom are still among the employees of the member companies.
Rompetrol Rafinare operates the Petromidia Navodari refinery, the most important crude oil refining facility in Romania, and the Vega Ploiesti refinery, the only national producer of bitumen and ecological solvents, as well as the only Petrochemical Division in the country.
Rominserv was established in 2001 through the merger of the Construction and Supervision Division within Rompetrol, with the Mechanical-Energy Division within the Petromidia refinery and is the general contractor of the KMG International Group.
Midia Marine Terminal is the operator of the Group's crude oil supply chain and storage, including the offshore terminal, a system designed to transfer crude oil from/to oil tankers of between 60,000 TDW and 165,000 TDW.
Rompetrol Quality Control is the laboratory company established in 2004 within the Petromidia refinery, which offers the full range of analysis services for petroleum products, environmental factors, noxious assessment in the workplace, analysis of petrochemical products, as well as biofuel analyses.
Rompetrol Well Services is one of the most important companies in the specific market segment in Romania. With over 60 years of experience, the company offers a wide range of specialized services for crude oil and natural gas wells.
Rompetrol Energy is the company responsible for the implementation of the Cogeneration project, one of the main investment directions supported by the Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund (KREIF), in partnership with the Ministry of Energy.
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KMG International