Rompetrol has published the Group's Sustainability Report, providing a detailed analysis of the Group's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. The report details the activities of relevant companies across the entire value chain that fall under the sustainability reporting directive, including publicly listed companies such as Rompetrol Rafinare and Rompetrol Well Services, as well as other entities in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. The report is audited by EY.
The report illustrates the Group's commitment to sustainability practices, covering aspects such as energy efficiency, emission reduction, and waste management, with a focus on workplace safety, ethical conduct, diversity, talent development, and community support - as central elements of KMG International's sustainability strategy.
Key performances and figures for 2023:
- The average number of employees in the Group is 5,358 (30% women, 70% men), with 3,539 in Romania.
- There are 5 generations of specialists across more than 200 types of professions.
- The average number of hours of professional training per total number of employees in the group was 16.69 (a 24% increase compared to 2022).
- 97.78% of the total staff in Romania are local employees.
Rompetrol continues to support local communities, investing over USD 1.5 million in health, environmental protection, education, and cultural projects. Examples include equipping SMURD medical helicopters, major investments in the Năvodari Medical Center, the George Enescu International Festival, and national planting campaigns.
Safety is a priority in our operations. We comply with regulations, standards, and workplace safety legislation, and continue to provide training to our people to operate in a safe environment.
Our goals remain: 0 fatalities, LTIR 0, TRIR 0.
The Group is aligned with European requirements and comply with environmental legislation and industry standards. Our refineries hold integrated environmental permits.
Over the years, due to investments in technology and environmental projects, emission levels have been consistently reduced and the Energy Intensity Index (EII) improved.
The EII for 2023 was 101.3 (compared to 119.5 in 2010). This indicator is essential for identifying areas for energy optimization and reducing our environmental footprint.
Waste Management
In 2023, the Petromidia Refinery demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental sustainability through its waste management practices, with 95% of total waste generated being sent for recovery, and the remaining 5% disposed of (an improvement compared to 2022 when 92% of waste was recovered).
The Petromidia Refinery processed 5.01 million tons of crude oil and other raw materials, selling over 2.8 million tons of petroleum products on the Romanian market. The Vega Refinery, which operates in full synergy with the Petromidia Refinery, processed over 474,000 tons of raw materials.
At Rompetrol Downstream, fuel sales were conducted through more than 1100 distribution points, serving both individual and corporate clients.
Total taxes paid to the Romanian state budget in 2023: USD 1.72 billion.
Key Projects
- Rompetrol installed 300kW charging stations at 11 CODO stations along the Sibiu-Nădlac A1 Highway.
- Feasibility studies for a 50,000-ton capacity bioethanol plant and a 60,000-ton capacity biodiesel plant have been completed.
- The construction of the cogeneration plant was 80% complete at the end of 2023; it will generate approximately 80 MWh of electricity, with around 60-70 MWh covering the entire electricity needs of the Petromidia platform, and up to 180 tons/hour of process steam.
The 2023 Sustainability Report complies with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the voluntary IPIECA guidelines for the oil and gas industry, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
You can read the full 2023 Sustainability Report at www.rompetrol.com.